Claris Consulting


Mindset, Leadership, Blog Post Hugh Blane Mindset, Leadership, Blog Post Hugh Blane

Four Traits of Passionate People

Five years and two weeks ago I recorded a Monday Morning Minute entitled the Four Traits of Passionate People. It is one of the top ten posts out of the 650 blogs and videos I’ve written over the last eleven years.

Five years and two weeks ago I recorded a Monday Morning Minute entitled the Four Traits of Passionate People. It is one of the top ten posts out of the 650 blogs and videos I’ve written over the last eleven years.

I’m distributing it for a second time today not in a Facebook “Throwback Thursday” type of way, but as reminder that passion is essential in order to not simply endure a pandemic, but to excel as a consequence of the pandemic.

Yes, I know there are thousands of people who are struggling and are in dire straits. I also know that there are a vital few who in the face of tremendous hardship are able to embody the four traits outlined in this video.

If you would find it helpful to have a conversation about how you can find or rekindle your passion, send me a private email at and we’ll schedule a forty-five minute call. I’d be honored to be of help.

Video notes:

This week I want to talk to you about whether you’re passionate. Passion gets bantered around a fair amount these days in the world of work, but I’m going to suggest you stop thinking about employee engagement, and start thinking about employee passion. Let me tell you why.

Passion is the fuel that drives people. It compels people to do things that they may not know how to do. There are four traits and characteristics of passionate people. They are:

  1. Curiosity. Passionate people are always looking to learn new things. They will uncover new ideas by looking in the strangest of places, they will overturn rocks, they will open drawers that nobody else has opened before because they’re genuinely curious.

  2. Courageous. Passionate people are willing to be uncomfortable and they are willing to push themselves outside of the known, safe, and predictable to learn more and to take what they’ve learned and apply it in ways that challenge them.

  3. Committed to exemplary work. Passionate people don’t do just ordinary work…that’s not acceptable to someone who’s passionate. Someone who is passionate says, “What I want to strive for is the exemplary and that is what I will do.” Extraordinary and exemplary work…that is the line that they have drawn in the sand.

  4. Community. They have a community of like minded co-collaborators that are willing to challenge themselves, that are willing to learn, that are committed to exemplary growth. They come together, they share best practices, they teach one another, they learn from one another.

So they’re curious, they’re courageous, they’re committed, and they have a community. Here’s the question though: do people describe you as passionate? Would people describe your employees as passionate? Would you describe your customers as passionate about your organization?

Ladies and gentlemen, infusing passion into an organization starts with the organizations leaders. So this week, I suggest you ask yourself those three questions. On a scale of one to ten with one being low and ten being high, how passionate am I for my work? On a scale of one to ten, how passionate are my employees? And on a scale of one to ten, how passionate are our customers for our services? If you start asking these three questions you’re going to have a fabulous week.

That’s the Monday Morning Minute. I hope you have a fabulous week, and I’ll see you here again next week. Take care.

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Leadership, Execution, Mindset, Talent, Blog Post Hugh Blane Leadership, Execution, Mindset, Talent, Blog Post Hugh Blane

Ten Attributes of High Performing Leaders

I was asked yesterday by a CEO client to list what I thought were the essential characteristics of high performing leaders and team members.

I was asked yesterday by a CEO client to list what I thought were the essential characteristics of high performing leaders and team members. After giving a disclaimer about high levels of competency and a deep expertise in their respective areas, I provided my top ten list of suggested attributes for leadership and team effectiveness.

  1. Passion: Successful leaders and team members have one idea that has grabbed hold of them and won’t let go. They can genuinely, enthusiastically and readily talk about their idea and the linkage to an uplifting and desirable future. They are passionate communicators and use powerful language to infuse hope and optimism in others.

  2. Curiosity: Successful leaders and team members have a deep curiosity about people and what makes them tick. They are continuously looking at and discussing how to build greater effectiveness with and through people as well as technology. They are also curious about their brand and are committed to enhancing it. Their curiosity has them traveling to diverse places, reading broadly and being intellectually engaged both at work and at home.

  3. Courage: Successful leaders and team members have the courage to turn their back on what has made them successful in the past. They still experience fear but see courage as essential for accomplishing something noteworthy. They embrace their fears and move forward confidently knowing they are smart enough to learn and grow from whatever they experience.

  4. Credibility: Successful leaders and team members recognize that being able to make a contribution takes personal influence. They know that people will willingly follow them only if people believe them to be authentic, credible and believable. They agree with the admonition that people only believe the message if they first believe the messenger, and in turn they strive to be exceptional role models.

  5. Urgency: Successful leaders and team members have a healthy dissatisfaction with their current performance. They are continuously thinking bigger about their own personal leadership as well as their role in creating a culture of continuous learning, experimentation and risk taking. They also believe that speed coupled with passionate dedication can achieve something noteworthy.

  6. Ownership: High performing teams have members who take responsibility not only for the performance of the team, but they also take complete responsibility for the quality of their personal and professional lives. Simply put, there are no victims on high performing teams. The prevailing mindset is one of “what can I do to make a difference and if I can’t make a difference then I need to make an exit from the team.”

  7. Tenacity: Successful leaders and teams don’t give up. Once they have a clearly defined desired future (one they are passionate about and have the courage to pursue) they exhibit deep reserves of resolve and determination. They believe in progress not perfection and are tenacious in the face or adversity.

  8. Agility: The world of work demands that leaders and team members be comfortable with ambiguity and that they don’t expect all aspects of their work to be expressed in black and white terms. They have the ability focus intently while remaining open to recalibrating their course of action whenever they learn of a better course of action.

  9. Discernment: The ability to filter large amounts of information and determine the one or two most salient actionable points is essential for leaders and teams. Effective leaders listen to gain information, ask questions to understand diverse points of view, and act confidently even in the face of competing ideas and or demands.

  10. Results Focused: Successful leaders and team members recognize the difference between taking action and getting results. Their focus is on results and use all of the preceding traits and characteristics to drive their team, department or organization forward.

I have three questions for you:

  1. Which of the ten attributes do you do best?

  2. Which one challenges you the most?

  3. If you could leverage your greatest strength more while also reducing the effects of the attribute you feel challenges you, what impact would that have on your performance?

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7 Principles of Transformational Leadership

This week we are launching my new book, The 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership: create a mindset of passion, innovation, and growth. I’m excited for two reasons. The first is that the people who have read the book so far have said that it is approachable, practical, and inspirational.

This week we are launching my new book, The 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership: create a mindset of passion, innovation, and growth. I’m excited for two reasons. The first is that the people who have read the book so far have said that it is approachable, practical, and inspirational. For these compliments I am really honored.

I’m also excited because this book was eight years in the making. It took a long time for me to write it. Not because I didn’t have something to say, but because I was tentative and uncertain. But, when I leveraged the content from my Mastering Your Mindset and integrated it with the 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership, I got transformational results. Specifically, I went from the idea of the book to a book proposal, an agent, to a commercial publisher and a completed manuscript in five months.

There are three benefits you’ll receive from reading my book and one thing that you’ll commit to doing in order to get transformational results. The three benefits are:

  1. A way to live your life with unbridled purpose and passion.

  2. You’ll execute on your strategic priorities faster and with greater results.

  3. You will cascade excellence throughout your entire organization.

That’s great, Hugh, but what do I have to do in order to get these benefits?

You’ll need to articulate your leadership purpose. Leadership purpose is a game changer. It changes the game with regards to the value you provide to your customer and employees. It is the catalyst for living your life purposefully and passionately, executing with greater effectiveness and greater results, and cascading excellence throughout your entire organization.

Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of the book is to show you how to achieve these types of results. If you’d like to experience the same types of results I did, there is a link at the bottom of this blog post and it will take you to the landing page where there are three offers about how you and I can engage with this content. We can engage with you as an individual or with you as a team or organization. Check out the landing page. I am very proud of this book and believe it can be a game changer for you personally, organizationally, and professionally.

Have a flourishing week and I’ll see you again next week.

Click here to go to the book landing page

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Mindset, Execution, Talent, Blog Post Hugh Blane Mindset, Execution, Talent, Blog Post Hugh Blane

Five Reasons People Stop Learning and Don’t Change

I spoke with a client last week that told me of a leader who lost her job because her employees had lost trust in her. They were demoralized because their customer satisfaction scores were the lowest in the organization.

I spoke with a client last week that told me of a leader who lost her job because her employees had lost trust in her. They were demoralized because their customer satisfaction scores were the lowest in the organization. After multiple sessions of talking about strategies to reverse the situation, and the development of detailed plans, nothing in the leader’s behavior changed. There was plenty of talk but no action.

There are many reasons why leaders don’t change, but in my consulting and coaching work, I’ve found five common reasons:

  1. Inertia. Inertia is seductive. It’s easy to get lulled in to doing your work in ways you’ve always done it even if it doesn’t work anymore. There is a tendency to become enamored with the simplicity of replicating the past and remaining content to do uninspired and pedestrian work. Work that is not creative but is safe and predictable.

  2. Ignorance. You can be smart and ignorant simultaneously. For example, a leader can be ignorant about employees’ or customers’ hopes, dreams and aspirations. When leaders lack the knowledge of how to win the hearts and minds of those they work with, those leaders need new information and insight as to how to build personal engagement and commitment.

  3. Incompetence. Incompetence in a leadership context is not having the talents and skills to do transformational work while also navigating adversity and change. People who are incompetent are fully capable of doing meaningful work, but need training and mentoring in how to become an exemplary leader. Incompetence is not a pejorative word unless the fourth barrier is also an issue.

  4. Indifference. Indifference comes from not having a clear and compelling leadership purpose. While achieving financial results is essential to remaining relevant as a leader, financial metrics as a purpose counter-intuitively ensures lower performance. Making a meaningful difference in employees’ lives as well as customers’ lives, on the other hand, jettisons indifference and brings forth greater creativity, energy and a willingness to grow.

  5. Insecurity. Low levels of self-worth and self-esteem are prevalent at all levels of an organization. When I worked with a Senior Vice-President of Operations the biggest factor affecting his effectiveness was a deeply rooted insecurity and belief that he was “the wrong person for the job”.

When I’m asked how to counteract these five barriers I suggest one overarching strategy that not only shatters the barriers, but also catapults leaders to once unimagined heights. What’s the one strategy? Master your mindset.

Monday Morning Mindset Challenge:

Download your copy of the Mastering your Mindset Special Report and isolate the primary negative thinking habit that holds you back. Choose one of the success strategies and implement it starting today.

You can find the report using this link.

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Three Questions That Give You A Competitive advantage

No doubt you want a competitive advantage over your competition. A competitive advantage can come in different forms for different people.

What Is Your Competitive Advantage?

No doubt you want a competitive advantage over your competition. A competitive advantage can come in different forms for different people. For example, if you’re a leader you’re competing for the mind-share of the individuals you lead. What will give you an advantage in influencing others behavior? If you’re selling a product or service you are competing with the budgetary requirements of the customer as well as with other vendors. What gives you an advantage?

If you want to position yourself in ways that give you an advantage over your competition I’m going to share one bold statement and three questions that will help you have a competitive advantage. Answer these three questions and you can have a competitive advantage.

Bold statement:
Your competitive advantage needs to be that you give a competitive advantage to your customer for having done business with you.

It’s really quite simple. By giving a competitive advantage to someone you will have a competitive advantage.

Three Questions:

  1. What is it that you do extraordinarily well that is highly beneficial to your customer?

  2. What are your customers strategic initiatives, and how are you helping them accomplish them in unparalleled ways?

  3. What problem / issue are you addressing that it is a game changer for your customer?

When you answer these questions you will have a competitive advantage. But before you check this exercise off your to-do list, take one important and highly valuable next step. Confirm your answers with your customer.

If your answers to what makes you unique and distinctive are compelling for you but not for your customer you do not have a competitive advantage, but rather a performance disadvantage and all bets are off.

If you want to have a competitive advantage provide a competitive advantage to your customers. You’ll know you have done so when customers say, “we cannot imagine doing business without you.” When you hear that, you’re going to have a fabulous week filled with a competitive advantage.

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